

Our signed pledge to you :  This signed pledge guarantees the origin, the characteristics and the authenticity of our champagnes -- three fundamentals of the independent winegrower
Pledge of origin :  Being an independent winegrower means that his champagnes are harvested from his grapes, from his vines, grown on his own land.
Pledge of good character : An independent winegrower is above all a man or a woman passionate about champagne who in many ways produces a champagne that has some of his or her own qualities - but his or her one objective is always - excellence.
Pledge of authenticity : An independent wine producer cultivates his vines while preserving his terrain. He makes his wines in his own cellars, he does the selling and marketing himself and takes pleasure in presenting the fruit of his labours to his customers.


To have an environmental certificate is something some vineyards choose to adhere to. It consists of standards to be met in four different areas - the level of biodiversity in the vineyard, the management of chemical fertilizers, disease control and looking after water resources..
It is gained by continuous assessment over the entire family holding.
To qualify for the HVE (Haute Valeur Environnementale) is to have implemented various recommendations. Having this certificate indicates a high-level of environmental excellence.